New music! Mandroid is the latest. I also polished up Jump Cut (and renamed it to Finger Injury, since my finger is STILL busted up after recording the drum part for it, and I thought I should commemorate that).

In other news, I am still unemployed, which sucks. For real. Like clean-out-the-cat-box sucks. However, my darling betrothed just got a humongoloid promotion, and I might now be contemplating full-time house-husband status.

Okay, maybe not. I'm freakin' climbing up the walls being home every day. The prospect of imminent employment is the only thing that has saved Julia from finding me in my Boba Fett helmet, bonkers-drunk and wandering aimlessly through the Wal-Mart automotive aisles.

Time will tell, I suppose.

Yay Julia!
Yay music!
Yay tools!

Boo, joblessness.


  1. The job will come -- I'm sure of it! Hang in there, and keep sending out those resumes. We all hope things will get better for you... soon!

  2. Come clean my house.
