Yep. Here's Ian McKellen impersonator reciting the lyrics to the Fresh Prince theme song.

I can die happy now.

After the video, there are links to this guy doing a bunch of other recitals, and they are all GENIUS.


  1. This guy really is pretty good! His Ian McKellen is his best, though. He got the cadence and timbre of Morgan Freeman, but not the pitch. (I'm picky about my impersonators, can you tell?) Ha!

  2. If you browse through his other stuff, you can find videos of him where he speaks in his normal voice. It's WAYYYYY different!

    I didn't see his Morgan Freeman impersonation — where did you find that?

  3. In one of his links. He looks completely different, but he does several impressions. I heard his normal voice, too. You're right... waaaaaay different!
